It was 1988....John & I moved into Apt. #19 A on Youree drive in Shreveport, Louisiana. We were 17 & 19. We had a 1 month old baby girl.
The only furniture we owned was what John had as a kid......a water bed, dresser, and a desk. Of course we had a crib for Meg. Everything we had in the house was given to us.
We had no living room furniture. We did have a 19 inch television that we put in the fireplace.....why John did that I do not know.....but it was in there. We sat on the floor to watch TV.
We went to a unfinished furniture store one day to look for an entertainment center. It was a family owned business. We really liked this particular one and decided to purchase it. We filled out the paper work to purchase it on credit but were denied. Unfortunately, being young we had no credit yet....and we didn't have the cash to buy it out right.
The owner (I wish I knew his name) I guess felt bad for us. I will never forget what he did for us. He told us that he can tell we are trying to make a home for our daughter, that he can see that we were in love with each other, and how bad we wanted that entertainment center........he
Co-signed so we could get the credit and purchase the cabinet!!! A stranger did that for us! The cabinet cost $600. We went in his store together on the 15th of every month, for six months, with $100. We made sure that we paid it off as soon as possible. We were and still are very grateful to that man!

Years later we purchased a bigger entertainment center that the girls now have. So my mom took our 1st one and used it in her home. Well, in August she had my brother in law build her a new we got our 1st piece of furniture back.

It is in Meg's bedroom for now. It still looks pretty. One day it will get passed on to Tori. I promised it to her when she gets married.