This is my nephew, David & his lovely wife, Jenna.

David lived with John & I his junior & senior years of high school. (he is my sisters son) We treated him as if he were
our son. He had to follow the same rules as the girls, he joined the family every night for dinner, had a curfew....he had structure & stability in his life for the first time in awhile. (his parents divorced when he was 7 or 8) During his stay with us we all grew very close, especially him & John. They have a father/son relationship that will never be broken.
David graduated from high school in 2005 and joined the Air Force that fall....where he became a Firefighter. He met his beautiful wife, who is a paramedic in the Air Force, they fell in love & got hitched in Vegas in September of 2008.
We got a call in December from David telling us he was going to be a daddy!! We were SO excited for him & Jenna. Then a few weeks ago, David called John & I and said we better start thinking of grandparent names, unless we want grandpa & granny, Um
NO thanks!! Although his mom is the true grandmother (his dad passed away this past summer) we were flattered that he would ask us to be the baby's grandparents and happily accepted the call.....we are going to be Nonna & Pap!
They had an ultrasound done on Monday, the doctor said she is 70% sure it is a GIRL!! They will have a 3-D one done on Tuesday and that will confirm for sure if she is indeed a girl.
John & I have already started buying this little one gifts. Here is the first stuffed animal....Pap picked it out on Monday while we were waiting for the call. Its a cute monkey named, Bongo.

So be forewarned...there is gonna be lots of baby talk in the future!