Did you know that Robert Pattinson will play Salvador Dali in the movie "Little Ashes" due out in early 2009!?
My girls love Salvador Dali's Art work. Tori has a painting in her room....a copy of one of course!
I can't wait to see it! People in London saw a screening of the movie already and said it was AMAZING!!!
that's amazing! & exciting.
let's see it.
Do you know that I've never even heard of Robert Pattinson? Who is he???
I am so excited!! Yipee!
I hope he does a good job! I enjoyed him in HP and Twilight but I want to see him show some *real* talent. A harder character to play, you know?
He really is a handsome guy, although I'm not sure what's up with that little magic marker mustache he's sporting. I'll watch it.
what's up with the stache? On him, not you.
hope you are feeling better today!(tuesday, that is)
love you!
I want to see it just because he is in it. I'll be there.
OK...Duh? I read your comment about him being in the movie, "Twilight". I must be living under a rock or something!
The mustache is a little creepy though.
I think I'm gonna have to google this salvador guy.... =)
Thanks for the fyi on Mr. Rob ;)
"Nana's Box"
Agree with MrsBear with that sneaky little mustache. I think he should lose it.
he's playing salvador DALI. he has to have that mustache.
Yeah, I'm with Michelle. I'll see it just 'cause he's in it. But I won't be pre-buying my tickets like I did for Twilight. Which, by the way, I am seeing for the third time tomorrow night, with a friend who just finished New Moon and is newly in love with Edward. Gotta support the cause, right?
Who what huh? lol
Oh! I just read about this. I have never heard of Salvador Dali but what I have read recently, I know I want to see the movie!
I just got your message over at my blog and just came by to tell you that I hope you get feeling better really soon!
I have never heard of him...I love biopic's though--
I have never heard of him but now I have to GOOGLE him... lol :)
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