Meg had class yesterday and afterwards went straight to the DMV to get her "adult" license! The lady said you can come back tomorrow and it's free....Meg told her..."I'm 21 today, I want to order a drink tonight; I'll pay the $10 and get it now"!!
We went and celebrated at Mike's Place in Conway. Here is the birthday girl drinking her first drink.
(legally) She ordered a White Russian. Guess what....they didn't even card her!! Bummer. She savored that drink and drank every last drop!!!

Her best friend and room-mate Brianna came to help us celebrate.

and of course sister Tori with her boyfriend, Nick.

and Grandma was there as always!! She has never missed a birthday!

We took our usual family photo. Something we do everytime all four of us are together. This is in the girls kitchen.

She wanted me to make the usual birthday cake. Yellow with chocolate butter cream frosting. I put a martini glass with olive on top. She had a heck of a time blowing out 21 sparkle candles. I didn't realize these things were trick candles as well. It was funny.

Oh, that tattoo on her back is not new. Her & Tori have matching ones. They got those about a year ago. We are going to get new tats sometime this month.
Meg is always coming home and getting into my perfume. She always goes for my favorite because well it's her favorite, too! So I told John we had to get her some for her birthday. She new almost immediately what was in the box...even before she saw the packaging.

Her she is spraying on the "sexual secret" by Victoria Secret. How much you wanna bet she'll still use mine when she comes home!!

I think she had a wonderful birthday!! I can't believe I have a 21 year old!! I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. It was a wonderful day!
Espero su 21a era una especial. Te quiero,
Betty, that cake looks delish!
Can you believe I said that.
That cake looks sooooo good! Looks like Meg had a great birthday!
That was always my favorite birthday cake, as well. Yum!
Your photos are gorgeous, your daughters are beautiful, and I love getting a sneak peek into how much fun you have when y'all get together.
Happy Birthday, Meg! 21 is a great age to be!
Another very fun and memorable day to celebrate as a family! Looks like she had a fantastic 21st birthday! Aww...your little girl is growing up! Love your pictures, as always!♥
I am always blown away by how close you all are. When I turned 21 I don't even think I was talking to my parents at that point and was out for like a week drinking and throwing up. You and your guy obviously have done amazing things with your kids to have this kind of love and family to share with one another. It is really awesome to read about so thanks for sharing.
that looks like a lot of birthday fun.... the cakes look yummy. Do you make your own icing? I am always looking for a good chocolate cake recipe.
Looks like you all had such a great time, as usual!
Such a beautiful family!
What an awesome family you have. You always look like you are all having such a fabulous time all the time!! Happt 21t Bday!!
The chocolate cake is my favorite birthday cake too. Happy birthday to Meg.
Oooh, spanish! You´re so talented. I´m glad she enjoyed her day. From now on the years just fly by and you won´t believe how fast "they" grow older...
What a great birthday!! Thanks for sharing:-)
What a fun way to celebrate her 21st! You are blessed!
i hope our family is half as happy when we get to that point as yours!
21..that is a big one...enjoy!
-sandy toe
Um, now I want to go buy some perfume, cake, martini's, kahlua and milk. Wonder why?
Happy f***en birthday Meg!!!
Looks like a fabulous time was had by all- as usual!
Happy Birthday, Meg!
That looks like you guys had such a fun time together! 21 is a GREAT age;)
Happy Birthday Meg! White Russians are an awesome choice for your birthday drink. (Or any drink for that matter)
I have an award for you!
What a great time!
Gracias a todos! Mama, tu eres mi mejor amiga y espero que nuestra amistad crezca y continue estar en el centro du nuestros corazónes. Un fuerte abrazo.
Tu hija,
It looks like a fabulous celebration. Happy 21st to her. She seems like such a ham. It would figure the first time she's able to legally order an alcoholic beverage they would fail to card her. The irony. ;)
Happy bday to her! I didn't get carded on my 21st either!
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