Didn't get a family picture of our Family dinner date this week. Forgot the camera. Meg couldn't come because she started a new waitressing job.

Tori had over 40 people show up at her 1st Yoga class!! That is an insane amount!!! They are probably going to have to put a 25 limit on it cause that's a big class. Sarah and Nicole said she did AWESOME!!!! I did want to go and support her but I knew it would make her nervous! Plus, it's an hour drive!!

Tori drove to Missouri yesterday by herself!!! First time alone on a road trip like that. It was really hard for John and I to allow it.(really we couldn't have stopped her) We wanted so bad to say....NO, you are still to young!!! But, instead we supported her and daddy checked out the car THOROUGHLY and mapped out the way. Momma made her a goody bag of homemade Granola to munch on. She called one of us just about every hour and gave us an update of where she was. She arrived safely last night around 6 pm. John & I finally breathed. Now, come Sunday I'll be a nervous wreck again until she arrives safely at home!!!
John took the day off from work today. One of our closest friends, Michelle is getting married this afternoon. So we are getting to spend an entire Saturday TOGETHER all dressed up!!! We are going to breakfast, Kohls & Belks to shop for clothes, the Wedding and we might even go see a movie afterwards. John has been wanting to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic". Yes, I said John has been wanting to see it. Yea, Isla Fisher is eye candy but he loved her in Wedding Crashers and she is so funny!!!
I feel like a bad bloggy friend. I haven't been around to everyones blogs to read. I'm going to try to play catch-up on Monday night.
Becky~ have a BLAST in Cancun!!! I'll be thinking of all the fun you are having with Mike and I'll try not to be jealous!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Oh my gosh!! That is SO early! I loved all your pictures! Hope you have a great day!
I guess you need our "siesta" planed into your day! That is a looonng day!
Hope you enjoy your day today.
We are going to a wedding also! :)
That some early hours Betty. I admire you and your commitment.
Glad the yoga class went good. that is a lot of people. Maybe they could make 2 classes. Some will taper off though. It always happens.
Enjoy your shopping and wedding. My husband really needs to get in touch with his feminine side. If he ever said he wanted to see that movie I would faint. What a great guy John is.
That's awesome about the turn out for yoga class!!
Wow you work a LONG day!
On Fridays I have to be at work at 6 (a normal day is 8) Then I pick up Emerson at school and if she did well all week, I take her to the movies. By the time we get home, I can barely keep my eyes open.
Have a great time at the wedding!
I can't get around to blogs very often and just have to play catch up.
Ugh, I would not want to get up that early. Sorry you had to take this other route:(
Great news on Tori.I need to get my fat butt doing some yoga.
Oh the pictures were TOO MUCH! Adorable. LoL! I can't believe you're going to get up at 4am! I usually don't even get to sleep until around 1am! lol Glad your daughter had a safe trip. My mom freaked the first time I had a planned road trip too. Except she did tell me no and made me fly. lol
Hope you had fun at the wedding on Saturday! I love weddings...getting all dressed up, seeing all the friends and family, remembering when you were the ones walking down that aisle...
Good luck getting used to your new schedule. I have to get up at 5am to work day shift, and I woke up at 5:30 to go to Boot camp at the Y this week. Once you're up and moving, it's not so bad.
Have a great week! We've been missing you in blogland.
Wow, that is super early...I love all the animal pics describing how you were feeling...ha ha. Awesome
Also, congrats to Tori for the yoga class how cool... and the road trip...what great supportive, loving parents you are!
Hope you had a blast all dressed up at the wedding :)
I know what you mean about a new routine. It has been two months for me and my body is finally getting used to using new muscles with the different lifting I have to do. I am a little person, not even 5' and lifting heavy boxes of frozen food can be tough sometimes. I am ready to go to bed at 9 most nights, but it is getting better. I too have not been blogging much. Good luck and hope it keeps working good for you. I have been missing you.
I know what you mean by exhausted!! I have been feeling this weekend:-(
And I know what you mean by worrying about kids on a long road trip. My oldest daughter's dad lives 250 miles north of us. It's a drive I did for 15 years and now she has to do it. I hate it for her but it is getting better.
Glad you bus route is working out, but 4 AM is VERY early! Wow!
Your pictures are hilarious...ones I can definitelyr relate to all too well, I'm afraid!
So happy to hear that Tori's class was a huge hit!
I have been a bad bloggy friend, as well. Work and life have been hectic but I vow to be better.... after Mexico. :)
My husband gets up at 4 everyday. His body is so used to it that he still wakes up that early on weekends. Course he's ready for bed by 8...
I would just die if I had to get up at 4am every morning for work! I don't know that I'd make it! HA! I'm sure you'll eventually love it! Right?
Yay for Tori's yoga class!!
I love Isla Fisher too! I think she is hilarious. She was in another movie I saw not long ago too. She is a phenominal actress! Have fun!!
Hope your body is adjusting to the earlier day! I also hope your new route is going well!
I've been falling behind on the comment love too, I'm so sorry. You're schedule sounds atrocious, thank God you're a morning person, otherwise you might be nodding off at school.
I would've been terrified too of my daughter (or son for that matter) taking a long distance road trip. I already told my teen she won't be driving until she's 20...yeah, right. Hope your daughter is home safe and sound.
Girl you have a tough life ,I hope that God gives you the grace to endure it all getting up early is always tough for me i work 1-9pm thats a tough shift when your day starts 5:30am after dropping off the kids wife and kids the heading back home to do some major work on the new house or around the old one then by 12:00 am like that cat.
Nevertheless God is good some people have tougher lives.I cant complain.I know Driving a bus all day is certainly not easy
Blessings on your family and yourself .
All this will end when Christ burst the skies and the righteous taken home with him.
take care.
May angels attend you while you drive.
That's a long, hard day. No wonder you're exhausted by 7 pm. Love the polar bear picture!
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