Meet Big Ben!
Also known as.....Ben Ben, Benjamin, Benny, Fat Ben, Fatty!
This is our monster cat weighing in at a whopping 19 pounds!! He has the most gorgeous green eyes!! He only wants loving when he wants it. When you do love on him you will get a handful of hair! He will nibble your arm when you love on him.
Ben has an interesting life story. His time with us began the summer of 2005. That's when one of the teacher's I work with asked me if I'd want him. She could no longer take care of him and his giant poop in the litter box. (she only has 1 arm) Oh, I am a sucker for animals so I said, Yes before I even asked John. Of course when I did talk to John about it he said, yes!! Before Vicki had him (I think she had him 2 years) her sister Jackie had him for a few years....before that a student of Jackie's had him for a few years.....they rescued him from the pound!! So Ben Ben has been all over the place. We have no clue as to his real age. We can only assume.....he is between 10-14 years old!

Ben was freaked out when he first arrived at our home. John and the girls got to see him for about 2 minutes before he jetted into the culvert and stayed there for the next week! We thought for sure that he was going to die. We would go down everyday and give him fresh water and food. I guess he began to trust us 'cause he slowly came out.

He is an inside/outside cat. His bed is in the garage (equip with a heater) and that is where he spends most of his days....sleeping....either there or under my bed!! When he wants to come in he goes to the front door and sits at the glass until we see him. He does the same thing when he wants fresh food or water....once in, he runs to the door that leads out to the garage and meows until we let him out.....then he sits by his food and looks up at us and meows. Very smart cat!!!

This is our monster cat weighing in at a whopping 19 pounds!! He has the most gorgeous green eyes!! He only wants loving when he wants it. When you do love on him you will get a handful of hair! He will nibble your arm when you love on him.
Ben has an interesting life story. His time with us began the summer of 2005. That's when one of the teacher's I work with asked me if I'd want him. She could no longer take care of him and his giant poop in the litter box. (she only has 1 arm) Oh, I am a sucker for animals so I said, Yes before I even asked John. Of course when I did talk to John about it he said, yes!! Before Vicki had him (I think she had him 2 years) her sister Jackie had him for a few years....before that a student of Jackie's had him for a few years.....they rescued him from the pound!! So Ben Ben has been all over the place. We have no clue as to his real age. We can only assume.....he is between 10-14 years old!
Ben was freaked out when he first arrived at our home. John and the girls got to see him for about 2 minutes before he jetted into the culvert and stayed there for the next week! We thought for sure that he was going to die. We would go down everyday and give him fresh water and food. I guess he began to trust us 'cause he slowly came out.
He is an inside/outside cat. His bed is in the garage (equip with a heater) and that is where he spends most of his days....sleeping....either there or under my bed!! When he wants to come in he goes to the front door and sits at the glass until we see him. He does the same thing when he wants fresh food or water....once in, he runs to the door that leads out to the garage and meows until we let him out.....then he sits by his food and looks up at us and meows. Very smart cat!!!
He LOVES Tori & Meg!! Seriously, I have never seen a cat get so excited to see company. When they come home he wants in and rubs and loves on them. He loves to be picked up and held like a baby....purring the entire time.

Ben's a cutie!
Thanks for sharing your kitty - we live on an acreage which is destined to be a park one day (rent)- so no kitties or dogs here! (want to keep it pristine and attract the wildlife? The kitties tend to eat all the quail - LOL! So enjoyed getting to know your kitty today!
What a pretty kitty! I love his green eyes! I'm glad he has found a great home!
aw i love him.
Ben is so stinkin cute. He looks alot like the mama cat of Summer's kitten we are waiting on. She has that beautiful gray and white.
Tatum's cat, Chance, is around 19 pounds. I think the big fat fluffy ones are the best:)
He really is BIG Ben! And such a cutiepy! I would love to cuddle him!
I miss having a cat and am just waiting till we find the right one!
Ben is a beautiful cat! He reminds me of our Jedi.
What a gorgeous cat! He does sound very smart! I miss having a cat. We always had cats and dogs growing up. So, I can't wait til I get a house and can get a dog and cat!
I'm glad Ben found a good home with your family!
Cute kitty!
Wow, I thought my kitty was big!
What a cutie pie!
Ooooh! I ♥ him! He reminds me of my Gatso! We rescued him from the pound almost 6 years ago.
I LOVED this post! Thanks for showing us this member of your family!
What a beautiful cat!!!
He looks so cuddly~
sandy toe
I think Ben might have just made it into the Guinness World Records Book with that weight! Wowza! He does have gorgeous eyes!
He's a handsome guy, I love his nose spot!
I love this story. Big Ben probably did have 9 lives or at least 9 addresses.
He's adorable.
Ben knows how much he is loved too! How many cats do you know that have their own heater?
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