Happy Thursday, March 19th, the day my beautiful mother first saw this Earth not many years ago!
If it isn't completely obvious, this is Tori, Betty's daughter.
I hacked into my Momma's account to let you all know she is another year older & still just as wonderful as ever. : )

Happy Birthday, Momma Bird!
May it be your best one yet.
Love you beaucoup!
Happy birthday!!! It is Ashlyn's birthday today too!!
I hope your day is full of fun!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Betty! So glad that Tori let us in on the little secret! Have a fabulous day and may it be one you'll always remember! Sending you a big hug!
Happy Happy birthday!
sandy toe
Hugs and kisses.
ps Can't wait to hear where you go eat dinner. lol
This is so sweet! Happy Birthday Betty, I hope you have a wonderful day!
Awww....Tori, my sweet baby girl. Thank you, this was very sweet!
Michelle, I will post Friday night and tell you all about the food! :)
Happy Birthday, Betty! You deserve a terrific day!
(What a sweet daughter you have, breaking into your account that way. Good thing you didn't tick her off ahead of time, huh? Who knows what she could've done :)
Can't wait to hear all about your day!
Happy, happy birthday!! I hope you have a super day!!
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Betty Happy Birthday to you!!!
Do you have any neat plans for your birthday?
Happy Birthday (via Betty's site :) )
Betty..please feel free to use my latest post on texting while driving. It's a really important topic so spread the word! :)
Happy birthday to you! found you through Betty Wiens and hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday!! :)
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Betty!!!
Happy Birthday Betty! I hope you have a very special day! It is a birthday Month isn't it!!!! Oh my gosh! There are alot of Piesces!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful Betty! I hope you have a wonderful day and a blessed year!
Happy Birthday, Betty!!! Hope you are having a great day!
I love your girls, by the way. So sweet!
I already wished you all the best, but would like to add to your comments. That is so sweet of your daughter posting this today! You are blessed!
Very cute. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope it is wonderful!
A very happy day!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!
Awwwwwww!!!! Happy Birthday!
(music starting)
Happyyyyyy Birrrthhhhday toooo yoouuuu,
This is what I'm ssuppoossseedd to doooo,
For Betty sent me ovvvverr here toooo,
Wish a Happyyyyy Birthday tooo you!
(music stops)
Ok, I can't give you a real gift so I'll give you a gift of advice. If you put a little typed message under the photos on your blog of (click to view bigger) then your blog guests can see the photo BIGGER... which, is a joy for the photos are so lovely!!!
Hope your day, your new year is happy and fulfilling!
And what the heck, here's a hug for you too ♥
You say it's your birthday...nah nah nah, you say it's your birthday...It's gonna be a good time!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!! That was awfully sweet of Tori to tell us!
Haha, I love it-- that's hilarious.
Happy belated birthday-- I just found your blog somehow.
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