I bought this Slim & Sculpt Pilates DVD hoping this will be "IT".....the "IT" workout that will help me lose these damn stubborn 10 pounds!!! I'm a freaking yo-yo I tell ya! A month ago I was almost at my goal weight.
WTF happened???? I think it's called "portion control"!!! I. Don't. Have. Any. & either does John. That's my problem....we love to cook for each other and try out new restaurants; but we don't know when to put the fork down! We eat super healthy...organic when possible. We just eat to much!!! Ugh.....
I'm hoping to be sore tomorrow!!! That's a good sign that you worked all the right muscles!!!
Oh size 6.......I want you back!!!!
Size 6 huh? Even when I am a stick I don't fit in size 6! LOL!
Good luck! The last 10 lbs are the hardest, aren't they?!
My mom is the same way (well me too, but right now I'm not even concerned w/ weight loss since every cycle these hormones make me balloon up...) so anyways, my mom makes it a point when they go out (or in for that matter) to not eat the bread they serve before dinner. Saves on carbs. And she steers clear of cheeses too. She looks awesome!
Hope the pilates works. I'm more of a yoga person.
size 6..wow..you go girl..congrats on almost being there...looks like a great video.
sandy toe
Oh, I wish I was still a size 6. If I would put the fork down I think I could get there. I hope this will work for you. I just need to stop eating for a week.LOL
Good Luck to you!
Please tell me if this works for you. I have 64, yes 64, pounds to lose and then the hubby is taking me to Antigua! I need all the advice I can get!
You can totally do it. I know this may be something you have heard before, but when you go to a restaurant always order a to-go box and immediately put half of the food away. It works for me because I love to eat out but refuse to put the 11 pounds I lost last month back on!
My size 12's yearn for size 6-dom! hahaha one day!
Good for you! (sidnei was a terrible influence while he was here, since he loves to eat too, so I totally get it!) I should do some pilates! I did it for a while, but then stopped, i just dont remember why...
Good luck!
If weight loss was up to food intake and dieting...I would be fat!
The only way I can go about it is excerise and staying active and healthy eating. Cause...girl! I love to eat. Way to much! I don't do well with hungry!
Good luck with piliates. I heard it can work wonders!
Ooooh...tell me how it goes, I am looking for something to try to lose some more weight.
You can do it! Size 6 here you come!!
I totally splurged all weekend with my sister. Lobster pasta, margaritas, omelets, cupcakes, mexican food, more margaritas, more pasta...Yeah.
i know you can.
love you!
can't wait for thursday to be here!
Size 6....I wish I was in a single digit clothes size. Good luck!
Good Luck Betty!! Hope you woke up sore in all the right places - did that come out right?
I've been MIA for a while and scrolled down to catch up and you look absolutely gorg in those wedding pics - I know you are sick you didn't get one with you and John!!
Well, I think you're still absolutely adorable, Mrs. Betty! :)
Keep hangin' in there, girl! I have all the confidence in the world that you ARE going to reach your goal!
Size 6!!! I was a baby when I was size 6! haha
Hope you´re sore....
I think I was wearing a 6 when I was 6... Good luck : )
Food is my downfall too, I love to eat, and if it's delicious I don't know when to stop. Good luck with the exercise, you'll get to your goal, I'm sure of it.
Good luck, Betty.
I am dreading getting on the scale when I get back from Disney.
'Cause I am planning on eating. A lot. Of course, we will also be walking. A lot. So hopefully it will balance out.
No boot camp in your neck of the woods, huh? Hopefully this workout will be the one for you.
Size 6, really? I was a size 6 once. In the fifth grade.
Damn western culture and our over indulgences. Doll, I feel your pain. There is something to say about that feeling that we need to associate with feeling full. Apparently, we are supposed to stop before we feel full. I know, weird concept right? You are supposed to eat to 80% of your fill b/c time will fill in that 20%. Blah blah blah, I know, my husband and I eat too much too. My ONLY advice is to drink water throughout the meal. Fake it till you make it I always say ;)
Heather is funny. Size 6 in the fifth grade. She is not big and neither are you. You are beautiful just the way you are! You earned every bit of what you have and it looks good on you!
Dead Like Me just came out with a movie, Life After Death. It is great. (saw your comment on the Reaper post and had to let you know)
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