You see Meg had come down to watch our animals and her car had been tripping a fuse causing her tail lights and dash board lights to go out! Not good! So John tried and tried to fix the thing Sunday night to no avail. We took the car to the shop the next day. Meg's light switch had to be replaced in the steering column.....that's what was blowing all the lights.
Tori's car was swapped out for Meg's on Tuesday. We paid Adam(the mechanic) $300 for fixing Meg's car. We were hoping Tori's car would be done by Wednesday afternoon. Well, that morning Adam called us and said that Tori's rack and pinion steering needed to be replaced because the seals were blown out. It wouldn't be ready until Friday and it was going to cost $790!!!
UGH! $1090 in one week to our mechanic!
It hasn't been a bad break though. It has actually been relaxing. I've got to go to the gym with John everyday.....he is my personal, personal trainer! :) Both our daughters have been home and we have had homemade dinners and watched movies. We have been content just being with each other!
Then John said, "you know what.....screw it! I only get two weeks vacation a year....we are going!"

I'm excited cause we are going to eat here....

Wish us luck!!!!
Have fun, Betty! Lots of luck winning some moolah! Enjoy eating at Miss Paula's buffet...I bet it's to die for!
The word verification thing is the word 'hurts'...that's probably what your tummy will feel like after a trip to the buffet, but IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT!!!
Have fun and win loads of money!!! I am jealous you get to go to Paula's restaurant!
Oh that is going to be so fun to eat at Paula's! Have a fun trip!!!
I am so jealous!!! I would love to go to her place to eat!! But alas, it is on our retirement place of eating our way through America!
awesome, have fun!! I love buffets!
Have fuuuun!
Have fun! I hope you win some money! Eat plenty at Paula's resturant!
Have a great time. We tried to eat at Paula's when we were in Savannah, bit the wait was over two hours.
Hope your luck is much better.
Have fun and remember what Paula Deen says about all that butter she uses..."I'd hate to die with a piece of lettuce in my mouth."
Ya'll have fun and win big !
Oh, I´m so happy for you!! Have fun, sleep late and eat up!
Sounds great! Have tons of fun!
Have fun! Can hardly wait to hear about your trip!
Diet, what diet?
There are no diets on vacation or spring break.
Eat some hashbrown casserole for me, 'kay?
And good luck on the winning!
Get lucky! *winkwink*
I hope you come home big winners! And if you do, send some of that luck my way!
Have a fun and wonderful time! Eat 2nds for me!
Have a wonderful time, win lots of money and eat lots of food.
Paula Deen is the queen of butter, I love her so much!!!!
I hope you have a blast, I can't wait to hear all about it! And I hope you win all that money back plus piles more!
Hop you have a wonderful and relaxing trip!
Yay! Have fun and take some photos for us!!! Good luck on winning it all back!!
Glad you still get a vacation!
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