What the heck is going on with the weather??? Just this past weekend it was in the 80's!
Absolutely beautiful out! Tori and I took Reeses downtown and walked the trail by the river.
It was a beautiful, warm, windy, relaxing stroll. We were excited about the weather getting warmer and being able to take walks like these. We were planning different out door activities.
But now the weather is blustery cold!!! I'm talking COLD!!! The high is going to be 36 today....rainy and windy with the chance of sleet in my town. Where my girls live they have a greater chance of sleet turning to snow!! SNOW?!! Seriously!
I wish this darn weather would make up it's freaking mind! I'm tired of shorts one day and my winter coat the next!!
Hello! :)
Same Here...it's crazy and making everyone sick!
sandy toe
Your yucky weather is headed our direction! I'm not happy because we have another track meet on Saturday...Britt runs at 12:30 PM and at 5 PM...I'm going to be FREEZING! Hurry back, spring!!! WE NEED YOU!
I know!! The weather has been so bipolar! It's very tiring:-(
I know...same here! That is Spring!
No kidding!! We just got 3-6 inches of snow and zero degree temps and Friday is supposed to be sunny and 50. Go figure.
I guess it´s giving you a taste of the good things to come....
I am really looking forward to the warmer weather so that Stink can get out and play. We are both so tired of everything there is to do in the house! Play-doh, markers, and endless games of Candyland can easily drive anyone mad!
lol I was checking the weather in Ohio (where I have family) and noticed the same thing. In one week they've got sun, rain, snow, sun. LOL It's finally mellowed here in CA, but I hope you're weather gets nice soon! :)
We just lost our 80 degree weather for 40-50ish rainy weather. This stinks! I'm definitely ready for summer... or at least spring.
it was a beautiful day!
...& today is icky.
That's when it's so easy to catch a cold, too.
I know what you mean. It was 80 here (NC) this week and today it is getting colder. We are going to see sleet tomorrow. What is up with that!! I'm so sick of cold weather.
Boy, that's spring for you. Can't make up it's mind!:)
Yes, but...How do you really feel about the weather?
And who's the hoochie in the picture below?
I hate this crazy changing weather! We had the heat on last week and the a/c on this week. Make up yer mind, mother nature!!
I hear ya mama. Same weather here. Mother Nature is teasing us. Not funny. Ball starts Monday! It better get warm again. When I picked up Morg from school yesterday I saw the salt spreader full of salt sitting by the door. It made me wonder and I thought "no way". Well, now you have me scared. I am gonna have to check the weather. Daaaanng.
I know. I've realized my mood is being directly affected by the weather these days.....
perhaps a little George Clooney oodling is in order to get us through these last days of winter.
(PS my word verification is "oodingl"...hehe)
Wow, those are some pretty drastic changes. It would mess me up too. The weather's been pretty nice around here, but it's bordering on boiling in the afternoon, I can only imagine what summer will be like. Good you're enjoying the outdoors while you can.
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