Since Meg left for Spain the house is quieter, the kitchen stays clean, her car is always parked in the driveway, and John & I don't get meals prepared for us anymore! We both miss her morning eggs and potatoes....and I miss my morning coffee and conversation with Hillary...we became very close this summer, and I have to say, I am happy that she is a part of Meg's life! She is a wonderful woman!
Life has gone back to the way it was before she moved in for the summer. We are empty-nesters once again. We work our different schedules, not seeing each other for days at a time, spending all of Sunday alone, since this is the only entire day we have together, and then doing it all over again.
Meg started a blog....unlike her mother, she is an amazing writer!! She majored in Creative can visit her
here if you'd like, and read about her adventures in Spain.
I know my posts have been far and few between...I'm going to try to be a better blogger since Meg is in Spain...that way she can read about what is going on over here in our lives.