It's the Master of karate and friendship award! :-) So in true awards fashion, I'm supposed to name 5 things that I've mastered. Here we go.
1. I have mastered the Art of quilting. Well, mastered it to my standards anyway.
2. My humble garden is actually producing veggies....so I've mastered gardening.

3. Raising my daughters! They have grown into strong, beautiful women!
4. I have mastered the art of drinking WINE! :0

5. My family says I have mastered the Art of cooking/baking. It is one of my passions!
So I am to pass this award onto 5 people.
High fives for adding drinking wine to the list!
I love your tattoo and I don't know what that chocolate (oOM effin' G it looks YUMMY!!) pie is but I want some lol!
Awww! Thanks! ♥
Way to go with your baking (oh yum! and lovely too!), gardening (look at those cucs!!), raising great girls, quilting (beautiful!), and being a wine connoisseur!
I'll have to think hard....
OH..that chocolate pie looks wonderful--
sandy toe
Wow!! Thanks for the shout out! I would have to say that I have mastered eating...at least that is what the scale says:-)
I am so sorry I missed this post! I've been out of town and just got back this morning...I will work on my own post; thanks for including me!
And you are totally the master of cooking/mothering/quilting and gardening! You rock!
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