Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Paper

I love getting the Sunday paper and looking at the But, for some odd reason on Sundays I'm so lazy I don't go out and get it. Usually it will sit there till the evening...I've even left it there until Wednesday before. Today, I got it out early.

Since Tori isn't working anymore she was able to attend church with me...that was nice!! We went shopping afterwards for some groceries. Fruit mostly.

We met John at my moms after he got off work...went to my friend Beth's house, then we headed to Little Rock and ate dinner at the Flying Fish. YUM YUM!!!

As I type this I'm hearing the TV...John is watching "Deliverance" it's the part where the guy like a pig. That know what I'm talking about....I'll be singing it for a few days now.

I haven't sewed on the quilt....but, I did put the squares together to see what it is going to look like. I'm excited! I think I'm going to cut a few more squares and make it just a wee bit bigger.

Have a good week everybody!


Beths Blog said...

hey betty,
it was fun seeing you guys yesterday. so the quilt, do you just cut squares the size you want, sew them together with the machine and then take it and have it quilted. I would love to do that sometime. Do you have to buy a certain type of material?

hey, doesn't john usually work on sundays? also, i forgot to ask tori, does her tattoo have a specaial meaning?

Anonymous said...

flying fish, mean pig, what else will they come up with. I think my favorite part of our phone conversations is finding out the name of the place you have gone to that day... love it