Tori spent the night last night. It was nice to wake up and see her face first thing in the morning. She went with me to Kroger to buy groceries for our family dinner. When we got home Meg was there. I made a very healthy meal. Taco Salad....and crazy as it might sound, it was only 356 calories per plate!

I used all fresh ingredients. Lots of garlic!! The red bell pepper added a nice bite.

I served it on Romaine lettuce instead of a shell of some sort.

Lean Turkey and kidney beans gave us our protein.

and here is mr. reeses on my shoulder trying so hard to charm me into giving him a bite.

I made a Banana Coconut Cream Cake.....and yes it was (almost) fat free. I made this with Whole Wheat Pastry Flour and threw in some flax seed powder for fiber (you can't taste it)

The frosting is one of my favorites to make....12 oz. fat free cream cheese, 1/2 cup confectioners sugar, 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract and 1/3 cup coconut flakes roasted. Whip it up and there you go. Easy and delicious!!!
It was nice to have a "Family Dinner" tonight. I look forward to many more!
Thursday John's pointer finger started hurting, he noticed a blister on it, like when an ant bites you. Today he woke up and it was red and swollen. He went to work....he called me around 11 and said it was really hurting and was swelling up. When he got off work he went to the ER only to hear that the wait was 6-8 hours. So he called our friend, Dr. W....thank God we have a friend who is a Doctor!!!He told John to come on over....Dr.W looked at it and told John that it was indeed Staph Infection! I had a feeling thats what it was by the way John explained it. He is being a baby (like men are when they are hurting)but I totally understand because Staph is very painful!!! I'll baby him if he needs to be babied. He is on an antibiotic and we will watch it closely.
Congrats on being featured on SITS and you are correct - your girls are gorgeous!
Congrats on being a Saucy Blog! Your dinner sounds delicious!
Congrats on making the Saucy Blogroll, this week. Your meal looks good. The cake looks AWESOME. I want that recipe! BTW, your daughters are beautiful.
Yay on being Saucy this week! From the first time I came across your blog, I knew that about you!
Dinner looked so yummy! How could something that looks THAT good, be that healthy??
Banana Coconut Cream sounds amazing! You should post the recipe--or did you all ready? Yum!
Thank you for sending Tori with a piece of cake for me. Sorry I wasn't able to make it for dinner. The cake was wonderful.
Love you,
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