The ER doctor took one look at it and said, "we need to get you on some IV antibiotics, now"!! They put an IV drip of vancomycin that took 2 hours. An orthopedic doctor came to look at his finger and without hesitation said, "You need to go into surgery." So around 6pm last night he got wheeled into the OR to have the staph cleaned and scrapped out. All went well and thankfully it was just under the skin and not in the joints or bones!!! He has to have it cleaned by the rehab therapy nurse everyday. He will be in the hospital hooked up to a morphine pump and mega antibiotics for a few more days. It is an open wound (no stitches) very nasty....I almost passed out when I saw it. And he will need physical therapy on the finger. It can take up to 1 1/2 to 2 months before it is completely healed. Hopefully he will be released Tuesday and our lives can go back to being "normal" again! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers you sent our way. They are much apperciated!!!

Oh wow! Yuck! I'm glad that he went to the hospital. I hate going, but I hate the alternative worse.
I hope that he recovers quickly!
That sucks! Good thing it was caught before it got any worse. MY prayers are with you!
Oh, that poor thing. That MRSA is such nasty stuff.
What a way to spend your holiday weekend :( I'll be with you in spirit; I'm spending the weekend working at my hospital, with my friends MRSA and VRE and sepsis and other fun guys!
Take care.
Betty -
I love your Blog! Thanks for all you do and keeping us informed. You are a very special and gifted person. I am honored that you are our daughter-in-law. May God continue to bless you.
Bagel -
Ouch! I hope he gets better ASAP.
Wishing you and yours lots of luck.
Beautiful blog.
WE have had MRSA problems in our family for the last 5 years. It is such a terrible bug. I hope that his recovery goes well.
wow. Well, I am SO glad you got him in there when you did. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers!
OMGosh Betty! I'm sorry to hear everything going on with John! That's terrible. I'm thinking of you both and wishing him a quick recovery!
Yikes. OMG that sounds hideous. How awful! I think I would have needed to be revived if I had to look at his open wound. Poor guy. Good thing he's getting it taken care of, I hope it clears up soon. You guys are both in my thoughts.
That just sounds horrid. Prayers that he will soon be well.
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